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Disposal of used Glycol

Like all chemicals, glycol can be harmful to the environment if not disposed of properly. Here are some ways to safely and responsibly dispose of propylene glycol:

Recycle: As discussed earlier, propylene glycol can be effectively recycled through various methods, such as distillation. Therefore, recycling should always be the first choice for disposing of substantial amounts of propylene glycol.

Reuse: Unused or excess propylene glycol can often be reused in other applications instead of disposed of. Before considering disposal, check if any other facilities or companies might be interested in reusing it.

Follow Applicable Laws and Regulations: There may be specific regulations for the disposal of propylene glycol in your region or country. Therefore, ensure you comply with these regulations before disposing of the chemical.


Overall, it's essential to be responsible and take the necessary precautions to dispose of propylene glycol safely. Contact us so we can assist you in minimizing its environmental impact and preventing potential harm to the ecosystem.

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